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М. Т. Gologanov 54 1/7, 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

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Јавен повик за доделување мали грантови

на младински и женски локални организации за спроведување активности за промовирање на мир и безбедност преку зголемување на свеста за родово базираното насилство и насилниот екстремизам.

Finance officer job announcement

Centre for Common Ground (CCG) is seeking a local Finance Officer to provide management of all financial aspects of the projects. The full-time position will be based in CCG office in Skopje.


Solicitation for Translators / Interpreters

For the purpose of unobstructed daily activities of its representative office in Skopje, you are kindly invited to submit an offer for providing translation and interpretation services, as specified in the Attachment A.

Announcement for Consultant/Company for the Needs Assessment

The Centre for Common Ground (CCG) seeks an experienced consultant or a company to carry out the Rapid Needs Assessment of its project “Enhancing women to promote peace and security by increasing awareness about gender-based violence and violent extremism in North Macedonia”.