Centre for Common Ground (CCG) is seeking a local Communication/Media Officer to provide management of all communications-related aspect of the CCG projects
The Centre for Common Ground (CCG) is seeking a Company/Consultant to conduct a Baseline Study and Final Evaluation as part of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)-funded project “Empowering Youth for Promoting Non-violent and Inclusive Communities.”
Centre for Common Ground (CCG) is seeking a local Finance Officer to provide management of all financial aspects of the projects.
Centre for Common Ground (CCG) seeks an experienced auditor/audit company to carry out the 2023 yearly finance audit of the organization.
на младински и женски локални организации за спроведување активности за промовирање на мир и безбедност преку зголемување на свеста за родово базираното насилство и насилниот екстремизам.
The premiere of our film “Shattered Chains: Returning from ISIS” was a truly incredible success.